Godzilla Rulers of Earth 10 Godzilla Raids Again

Cover A of issue #10 by Matt Frank



Godzilla: Rulers of Earth

"No Identify Like Home" is the 10th issue of Godzilla: Rulers of World. It was released on March 26, 2014.

Description [edit | edit source]

"With many monsters at present inhabiting a new home, peace seemingly descends on Earth. Little does humanity realize that the greatest danger at present lurks under the waves! Lucy and the Kaiju Watchers volition have to human activity fast to determine the nature of the new threat!"

Plot [edit | edit source]

Near the Coral Body of water in the Pacific Ocean, a sperm whale is seen diving into the water every bit information technology spots Godzilla, who attempts to hunt information technology. The whale gets abroad and the Male monarch of Monsters, tired from pursuing Titanosaurus, Gezora, and Manda and losing their trail, decides to rest for a flake. However, he notices Sanda at the surface, who's been afloat for days trying to follow his brother Gaira and has weakened due the stiff body of water currents. Gaira institute him several hours earlier and attacked him with a battleship before pursuing his brother. The two Gargantuas have since arrived in Brisbane Australia with Godzilla in hot pursuit. Back in present solar day on board the USS Simon, Lucy meets with Steven Forest and tells him that the doctor has cleared her for a meeting, just she wanted to give thanks him for rescuing her earlier, saying that Professor Keji Ando considered it a miracle that he found her. Woods simply says he was in the right place at the correct fourth dimension, with Lucy joking that they seem to exist having a lot of those with Honolulu, Las Vegas, and China, and that they've been finding a lot of Kaiju recently. Woods tells her that he'due south read her report and that she has "one heck of an imagination", but it makes sense with what she'southward told about the planet's balance. Lucy tells him that what she was with the Shobijin and Mothra was real, or equally real as a dream tin exist. The room'due south intercom tells Lucy to report to the breifing room in 5 minutes. Lucy again sends Woods her thanks and states that she'south looking forrad to working with him. She then jokes about how the coffee he's having will "stain his cute grinning", causing Woods to spit it out in surprise equally the immature woman tells him that she'll see him in a few hours. In the USS Simon lower deck's briefing room, Professor Ando tells the world leaders that he approves of the islands discovered during the battle with Biollante as a suitable relocation area for the monsters. Dr. Allison adds that they're gear up to ship a survey team in. Information technology'll take a global effort, just Allison agrees that it's the best option for them. For them, it could be a prison. merely for the monsters, information technology could exist domicile. When asked if Jet Jaguar tin can relocate the Kaiju, Dr. Yumi Negata tells the world leaders that he's nevertheless inactive, and she suggests using MOGUERA and Mechagodzilla instead. When asked what other options they accept, Allison states that transport in the past was done via multiple transport shipping when the monsters are unconscious or asleep. The Us spokesman tells them that he'll get an activity plan on the president's desk before asking if they had a name for this island chain. Allison tells them that the concatenation will exist called the "Monster Islands." Back in Brisbane, Sanda is surrounded past the local armed forces.

On the USS Simon's deck, Woods tells the megazoologists that aeriform recon has shown that the master isle is now stable. Biollante was burned up and her spores entered the atmosphere, merely his team will check the main island for any traces of her. From in that location, they'll island hop and run across what else is in the archipelago. All of a sudden, Allison runs up to Woods and tells the group that at that place's been a modify of plans, equally Sanda has been contained in Australia and that Woods'south team needs to get in and stabilize the situation. The island surveying is withal canonical, but Woods and the Seekers will be heading up the transfer. Ando's group will be have a marine escort and aerial support to go on them safe. Lucy asks Allison what color the monster was as she saw 2 of them in Cathay, and the physician says that it was described equally "chocolate-brown". He asks the immature woman if Gaira's also out there. Lucy says that she set Gaira gratuitous and feels similar it's her responsibleness to become despite Ando's protests. On the armed forces transport, Woods tells Lucy that she needs to do exactly what he and his squad say. Lucy notices the new guns and asks what they are, to which Woods replies that they're modified rifles that shoot concentrated soundwaves. Lucy wonders if those volition work on the Gargantuas, to which Woods says that they will and asks most Gaira's fight with Rodan and Varan. When Lucy corrects him and states that it was Gaira and Rodan who fought Varan. Woods remarks that he has no idea how Lucy tin remember so many names, to which she replies that she admires them and asks why else she would've gotten into all of this. Woods acknowledges this and calls her "kiddo", much to her confusion. He explains that Lucy reminds her a lot of someone he knew. He says Lucy would be her twin if he e'er saw her using a giant robot to dial Godzilla.

Meanwhile, in Brisbane, Gaira comes ashore and is fired on by the military. Sanda, not wanting Gaira to retaliate and hurt the humans, tries to button the tanks bated. Sanda is abruptly tackled by Gaira, barely avoiding a blast of atomic breath. As the Gargantuas turn around, they witness Godzilla ascent from the bounding main. As Gaira helps Sanda to his feet, the military fires at Godzilla but are rapidly dispatched by his atomic breath. Wood contacts control, request when MOGUERA will arrive. He states that if the ADF can keep Godzilla decorated, they'll take care of the Gargantuas. He briefs his team on the state of affairs and tells Lucy that they'll need a mitt in keeping the Gargantuas away from Godzilla. Lucy acknowledges this as Forest tells the rest of the team to get ready. As the Gargantuas motion further inland, the military opens burn down on them. Gaira retaliates by smashing a tank, and Sanda badly tries to finish him. Gaira punches Sanda aside, merely before Sanda tin can fight back, Godzilla appears behind them both. The Gargantuas dodge a blast of atomic breath before Gaira bites into Godzilla's arm. When the larger monster punches Gaira in the face up, Sanda respondes in kind and the two tackle him into a edifice. Gaira once more bites into Godzilla'southward arm as the Male monarch of Monsters prepares some other boom. Withal, before he can fire it, Sanda and Gaira dial and slash at Godzilla'due south confront respectively, with the latter opening a big gash on his cheek. Godzilla throws Sanda into a building before stomping Gaira into the ground. As Gaira tries to forestall Godzilla from stomping him once again, Wood exclaims that the Male monarch of Monsters will kill the ii if he keeps upwardly the attack. Lucy suggests firing the sonic guns all at one time to brand Godzilla go out. Forest reluctantly agrees and orders for his team to open burn. The sonic blast distracts him long enough for Sanda to topple a skyscraper onto him every bit the brown Gargantua dodges another atomic breath boom. Godzilla breaks free and knocks Gaira aside with his tail. Woods's squad fires their sonic blasters at Godzilla again while Sanda grabs an oil truck and slams it into the King of Monsters, blinding him and lighting his confront on fire. Every bit Sanda checks up on Gaira, Godzilla finally heads into the bounding main and puts out the fire on his face up.

When Woods asks how fire could actually injure Godzilla, Lucy theorizes that the gash on his face might've had something to exercise with it. She celebrates the squad's victory as no monsters were killed and the Gargantuas can still be transported to the Monster Islands. Wood agrees and gives Lucy a fistbump earlier telling her that a chemical squad is coming in to help them sleep off the trip to the island. Lucy jokes that Woods will have to start learning their names before being given a gas mask. Chavez congratulates Lucy on the idea to motion Godzilla away from the Gargantuas, only tells Woods and the rest of the team that they need to bustle in case Godzilla returns for a rematch. A short time afterwards, in the USS Simon, Dr. Allison tells Woods that Ando's team will be waiting on the islands to receive the monsters. Forest tells him that they're lifting off at the moment and that the gas will wear off within an hour or 2 after they state, then the boats need to the get-go line of defence in example they try to escape. Allison points out that Godzilla'south appearance was unexpected, simply he might be looking for something given the blueprint of sightings in that part of the world. Wood remarks that Lucy might exist right about what the Shobijin told her, with Allison stating that they agree with her. The sonic guns were effective, so they'll have to be modified for underwater employ to drive the body of water monsters dorsum to where they came from. He notes that this is the part of Lucy's theory that caught his attention the nigh, as someone or something must've acquired the kaiju to start appearing in the bounding main. Meanwhile, off the coast of San Diego, a Devonian climbs onto a fishing gunkhole and assures the couple on it that he means no harm to their kind, but he must warn World's leaders nigh his race'due south plans.

Appearances [edit | edit source]

Monsters [edit | edit source]

  • Godzilla
  • Sanda
  • Gaira
  • Titanosaurus

Weapons, vehicles, and races [edit | edit source]

  • Saradian Oil Corporation Truck
  • Counter-Kaiju Reaction Forces
  • Devonians

Characters [edit | edit source]

  • Steven Forest
  • Lucy Casprell
  • Allison

Locations [edit | edit source]

  • Monster Islands
  • Brisbane, Commonwealth of australia

Gallery [edit | edit source]

Covers [edit | edit source]

Scans [edit | edit source]

Trivia [edit | edit source]

  • Onboard the U.S.S. Simon, a sign can be seen in the background that reads "MUTO-54."
  • Prior to this issue, Godzilla and the Gargantuas had previously appeared together in Godzilla: Trading Battle and also in "Godzilla vs. Gargantuas" artwork from Definitive Edition Godzilla Introduction.
  • A truck from the Saradian Oil Corporation makes a cameo in this consequence. The truck bears the number 1966 on its tank, referencing the year in which The War of the Gargantuas was released.
  • A mug on Allison's desk says "Category v" on it, a designation given to the Kaiju in the motion picture Pacific Rim.
  • At the stop of the comic, the proper name of the gunkhole where the Devonian refugee climbs aboard is "Moonlight," a possible reference to the Moonlight SY-3 from Destroy All Monsters. In improver, the woman on the boat has a hat that says "Type 66," a reference to the Blazon 66 Maser Cannon.
  • The Baradagi statue from Varan and the Shisa statue from Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla appear on Infant Island in this issue.

References [edit | edit source]

This is a list of references for Godzilla: Rulers of World consequence x. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this commodity is based. These references announced inside articles in the class of superscript numbers, which look like this: [one]

  1. March 2014 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops

External links [edit | edit source]

  • Rulers of Earth #ten cover past Matt Frank on DeviantART.
  • [1]

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Source: https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Godzilla:_Rulers_of_Earth_Issue_10

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